HISTORY: Paradigms is inspired by the research of a 1990 published book,“The Paper Doctor”. It contained energy field images (remedies) that could be magnetically transferred into water for relieving stress, pain, etc. The book was banned and burned by the US Army in 1994, yet these energy images work. At any given time the book can be found on Amazon.com for sale from $150 -$12,000. I discovered how to create these energy field images and have taken the Paper Doctor research to the next level. Originally, I created 5 separate books called PARADIGMS 1-5. When using this material you are literally creating a new form of reality. ***ALL REGULAR PARADIGMS BOOKS ARE 5.5″X8/5″ IN SIZE

Paradigms 1

  • Color -use of color in various forms for the purpose of creating balance and health in the human system. The human system includes not only the physical body, but also the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. The use of Color paradigm magnetic cards provides a means of either raising or lowering the intensity of the condition you are focusing on.
  • Solfeggio Tones– are sound frequencies used in Gregorian chants one of which was the great hymn of St. John the Baptist. The special tones of the Solfeggio frequency were used to unite man with Divinity(I Am Presence).

Paradigms 2

  • Bach Flower Essences -are herbal infusions or decoctions, made from the flowering part of the plant, which uniquely address emotional and mental aspects of wellness.Flower essences are considered some of the highest vibrational substances available for use on the planet. They strongly addressthe role of emotions as a cause of “dis” ease.
  • Essential Oils -contains the “essence” of the plant’s fragrance—the characteristic fragrance of the plant from which it is derived.

Paradigms 3

  • Where (locating where you work) – is a list of 50+ locations in the body which can be selected for releasing imbalanced energies.Where PMC’s help provide a framework or reference upon which you can start from. Also, may provide inspiration to “the next level”.
  • Spinal – a list of all vertebrae location points. Includes all Cervical, all Thoracic, all Lumbar, Sacral and Coccyx, plus Spinal Cord and Spinal Cord wavelength.The spine is the master antenna for your brain’s master computer functions. Any malfunction of the ‘antenna’ and your body malfunctions. Chiropractors call this subluxation, or less than the required amount of energy (light) moving to a particular part of the body. Releasing inflammation and congestion to spinal vertebra is beneficial for a completely healthy body.
  • Muscle-Skeleton is included because memory, be it past,present,future, is stored in either muscle or skeleton parts. This section can be very helpful

Paradigms 4

  • Paradigms 4 contains 420 electromagnetic energy patterns associated with Emotions. The
  • contents of this book made it necessary to be bound and printed in 2 separate books. The spiked energies associated with emotions cause them to adhere to body tissues, cells, organs, etc. acting like a glue like substance. In time parts of the body may begin to malfunction and become diagnosed as an illness, rather than blocked, uncleared energy. It is called sympathetic resonance. The body will listen to whatever vibration is loudest and strongest. And reacts as if the original event were happening in real time. It is a false flag but your body doesn’t know the difference because it is emotionally based. Similar to a computer, when too much emotional information is stored the body will ‘crash” and needs a reboot. This happens because there is less and less light exchanging between your consciousness and higher self. You begin to get darker, energywise- even appearing darker to others because your light energy is decreasing.
  • Paradigms 4 helps your body reboot itself and restore a higher volume of light in your body. Each page of Paradigms 4 is designed to contain 4 images for immediate use (placing finger or glass on image). It is a very handy layout for all energy practitioners. All images are also on an included data disk in the back of the book for you to print out and use as mini healing cardss.
  • The index at the front of the book will help you locate what you wish to work on. All Paradigms 4 cards are interchangable and usable with all other Paradigms geomagnetic cards.

Paradigms 5

  • What – represents what issue or labeled condition you want to clear/release/clean. The terms used are often connected to medical “dis” easement and the names themselves often represent a description of a symptom, rather than a cause of a condition. They are densified frequencies being held “captive’ with the physical body which can released, returning the body to a state of wellness and balance.
  • Psychic Phenomena (Star Warz)– deals with liberating a clear and accurate inner channel and awareness to the universal subconscious.(Divinity). When there is excessive negativity a blokage occurs due to the conscious mind overly focusing on the negativity and believing it is true.

PARADIGMS: Master Practicum

A practicum is a graduate level course, often in a specialized field of study, that is designed to give students supervised practical application of a previously or concurrently studied theory.

  • PARADIGMS: MASTER PRACTICUM is a compiliation of all 5 Paradigms Volumes in a single book. To save space, each page contains 4 virtual electromagnetic healing images, taking up less space and easier to use for the energy practitioner.
  • The contents spans a broad spectrum of categories:
  • Bach Flower Remedies
  • Essential Oils
  • Solfeggio Tone Frequencies
  • Programs
  • Dis-ease Frequencies
  • Body Parts
  • Spinal & Muscle Locations
  • 400+ Emotional/Psychological States
  • Color Therapy
  • New images not included in the original books


  • This book is a the next companion edition to Paradigms: Master Practicum. It covers over 30+ years of first hand expeiencein subtle energy research. It is my Life Work.
  • To my surprise I discovered that I had, unknowingly, been practicing different aspects of the Paper Doctor without even knowing it. So, I have chosen to call these energy images quantum maps.
  • The quantum maps contained in this book reflect the research and application of my journey into the field of subtle energy. I have drawn out quantum maps for just about everything I made over the years. I estimate there are over 350+ quantum maps alone in this book based on my research.
  • What you will find in this book is a broad spectrum of topics and items that have been translated into quantum maps. I have been able to separate them into the following categories:
  • Each section has a cover page which has information about what is in that section. These sections include products that have been made and emulate a quantum field, like the harmonyboards and spaceboards. They may have funny names but they are all real and valid. After the description of each section are its corresponding Quantum Maps.