This book, Aeoli Chroma, contains quantum energy maps that communicate with the Quantum Realm. Each map represents specific tonal frequencies, creating light patterns for communication. Remember this: Sound Creates Light. Frequencies in sound create light communication in the Quantum Realm. Touching a quantum map downloads this information through the body’s water. Sound produces a range of frequencies and is observed as a spectrum of light. This occurs when you pluck a string, which includes tones and below and within human hearing. These quantum maps show how ‘tones’ or colors of frequencies are represented. Overtones are higher than the fundamental note, and undertones are lower. I call overtones ‘ultra’ and undertones ‘infra’. Each color can be represented as Ultra Orange,Orange,and Infra Orange. These 3 maps together represent the complete color of Orange,for example. Each color has a ‘composite’ map representing the total color. Using these quantum maps helps you experience each aspect of the color/tone. Your body’s innate intelligence translates it.