Our universe is complex and amazing. We are curious as to what it is made of and what makes it tick. Basic, fundamental questions arise: 
“Why are we here?” “What is my Life purpose?” 
“Where did I come from”?”Who am I?” 
“What is my world made of?” 

Our physical world is made of atoms, made of 3 basic parts: electrons, neutrons and protons. It is the repeating rhythm of these tiny subtle energy particles which establishes balance and harmony. This balance is created within themselves as well as in the universe at large. It is a form of Divine Genius. Research indicates that there are 4 fundamental “unseen” forces in the universe: 

1.Gravity 2.Electromagnetism 3.Weak Nuclear Forces 4.Strong Nuclear Forces :These forces exist in everything, yet where do they come from? We know that all objects resonate at their own vibratory rate. We also know that stress and strain create imbalance which in turn causes chaos and disorder. This is a normal response to a change in vibration because stress can be neutralized by applying the correct vibration. All objects contain some type of “unseen” Divine Blueprint which enables them to return to their original vibratory state if released from imbalance. The “unseen”Genius in everything decides if it will be taking in or giving off energy. 

Dr. James Gates :Dr. James Gates developed Superstring Theory in quantum physics. It simply says that “all of the different fundamental particles of reality are really just different manifestations of one basic object: a string”. This description is very similar to the Aka cords of ancient Hawaiian teachings in HUNA. ‘Aka’ is described as a sticky, elastic connecting substance, which conducts vital force and thought forms over its threads and cords. Each thought is linked by an aka thread to the thought threads that came before it, connecting you to everyone & everything. Each time you contact a person or object, you are sending out aka threads. Each contact with the same person OR thing adds a thread -till these become braided together into an aka cord. Strong aka cord connection with someone, allows you to communicate telepathically, as well as in person or by phone. 

BACK TO DR. GATES: Physicist Dr James Gates discovered a code within his super string theory equations which is the same as the computer code that runs our computers and search engines of the Internet. Could this have been the discovery of the Divine Blueprint ? Dr.Gates says that these ‘codes’ consists of ones and zeros just like our computer codes and the code is a self correcting code that corrects any mistakes that might occur in the structure of our universe. This discovery strongly indicates that our reality is a holographic virtual reality game and your soul is really just a quantum computer that the Divine Spark ( Consciousness, the real you) uses to download and compute information into the world you see and experience. This Divine Spark and its Quantum Soul Computer reside in the Oneness field, a field of infinite information of all possible realities that are in wave form until observed into a physical reality. It’s these invisible codes which are responsible for creating YOU , your beliefs, ideas etc. – basically everything you call reality. 

THE POINT: What we call physical reality gets its instructions and direction from a,more discreet, field of energy: the Spiritual Realm(Oneness Field). This point of origin can be referred to as SOURCE. This Source-Force drives everything.Blueprints for physical reality are created in the Oneness Feld first and then manifest as their vibrations become denser.Therefore, reality is one unified substance made of higher and lower energy densities/vibrations. The different vibrations/densities help to define realty. Changing the vibration in one part of the field will cause changes to occur in the entire energy field. 

THE KEY: The Mind can have a profound influence on physical and spiritual energy fields . The clearer and stronger the connection between universal and individual mind, the quicker the energy field can be changed and brought into balance. At an energy level, the mind strongly interacts and influences matter . Its thoughts create both a Mind over Matter and Matter over Mind bridge. (referred to as Mind/Heart- Heart/Mind Pump). Repeated thoughts set up a pattern which are responsible for creating a reality.Although difficult to measure this type of “energy” has been described as Life Force, Chi, Ki, Vital Energy. It has different forms and frequencies, like its physical counterparts. It is magnetic in nature and is very difficult to measure directly, but its effects can be measured indirectly. It is similar to discovering a new planet indirectly by the effects it has on other planetary bodies. Describing this to the average person is tricky because the methods to prove and test these teachings lie outside regular science. You might call it Fringe Science. Through this connection , clarity and profound insights are revealed. If these memories are not cleared or erased , the physical body can begin to manifest indicators of these uncleared memories. This is referred to as being Ill-at-ease , or DIS-ease. Obviously it is very important to clear yourself of these memories when possible. 

HOW?  Memories or data from your subconscious are often stored in the bone or muscle tissue of your body. Whether they represent good or bad, they can be triggered by anything that has a frequency. They are just energy patterns stored in your subconscious, transmitted to your consciousness and finally stored in your body. These patterns stimulate your body’s innate intelligence activating your energy body to resolve the dis-ease on its own or to discharge it from the energy body altogether. This directs the Spiritual body to achieve a higher level of order and balance. The physical body then responds in like to the changes of the Spiritual body.The information the Spirit body needs can be coded in geometric patterns which the body utilizes at a subtle energetic level in order to create cellular- molecular order. This is the Language of Light. I’m calling it Quantum Maps.There is a growing amount of research that suggests water has the capacity to store various subtle energetic forms and vibrational/ energetic signatures. Water may be a secret storage capacitor of energy unto itself.Using this idea, it is possible to transmit energy patterns into water to rebalance the Spiritual and Physical bodies. 

THE NAME : Paradigm means manifestation or sign. Our experiences are stored paradigms. Those that are not released are stored. This is BAD CODE! Bad Code may cause a birthmark, nightmares, personality traits, food preferences, music preferences. race preferences,allergies, fears, beliefs, etc. Becoming aware that this Bad Code is responsible for creating our reality is a big step. Once you know this there is no turning back. You know better. When paradigms are changed or deleted, they release all their stored ‘data energy’ causing ripples of momentary chaos. This is a healing crisis. As the healing crisis fades the system resets to a new level of harmony and wellness. 

HERMES TRISMEGISTUS: Hermeticism, a religious and philosophical tradition based on the writings of Hermes Trismegistus, greatly influenced the Renaissance and Reformation. One of its tenets was “As Above, So Below, As Below, So Above. Paradigms uses this relationship to affect changes between the physical and Spiritual bodies. 

“QUANTUM MAPS” : Different qualities in the Spirit body can be expressed using Quantum Maps. When these codes are cleared / erased /deleted it is transmitted to the physical body for manifestation. Emotions act like a glue : bonding the energy spike associated with them to different parts of your body. If your body doesn’t release it , it gets stuck in that frequency. That area of the body becomes weak and prone to illness or dis-ease.